Going dancing in the Village...

Posted on Sun 25 May 2003 by alex in general

Well every day is an opportunity to do something new. I went out in
the "Village" in the center of town on Friday with a group of friends. A
throughly good evening seemed to be had by all, sorry no pictures of
this one. I was too busy dancing!Although I wasn't originally planning on staying out too late I did
eventually end up in href=http://www.essentialmanchester.com/index.asp>Essentials which
is a very good club. One nice side effect of the door policy is the
low pissed-up ass-hole quotient which helped make it an excellent evening :-)

Saturday didn't really get going.

Today I've been up at Denial Amtm to see href=http://whatisthematrix.warnerbros.com/>The Matrix Reloaded. I
have to say I wasn't as impressed as the slickness of the first movie
was marred in this one by more (IMHO un-necessary) verbiage in the plot
exposition. Its still a good film and I will be going to see the final
installment later in the year. I have nothing against action flicks
exploring deeper questions, however I also believe in playing to your