Am I Fit?

Posted on Tue 13 July 2004 by alex in general

Went to the Gym last night to start playing Badminton again. I was a little concerned after a 12 points of a 2 against 1 game I felt a little faint. After a little sit down and drinking some Lucozade Sport I started again and played though the rest of the session without problem. It has been a while since I did the 10km run and my Gym attendance since has been a little erratic but I didn't think my endurance had dropped off quite so quickly. Maybe my body was starved due to not having eaten for 8 hours, I'm hoping this was the case.

Regardless of that little hi-cup the session went well. I enjoyed playing, I had a good post exercise buzz and my shoulder didn't give me any grief. It looks like the few months off while training for the run gave it the chance to heal up properly (touch wood). The only downside was my wrist gave me a some pain (no sniggering at the back there!). This is probably due to the lump on my wrist the the tendons snap over especially seeing as Badminton involves a lot of wrist action. I'm on a waiting list to get removed but its not going to be anytime soon. Hopefully its just temporary thing as my body re-adjusts to playing
Badminton again.