Return of the Maelfroth

Posted on Mon 26 July 2004 by alex in general

So, first day back from my long weekend. What did I do I hear you ask, well let me enlighten you.....

Despite recent circumstantial changes I took advantage of both having booked Friday off and "half" day on Thursday (meeting new colleagues) to head down south. Rather than getting to site early I stayed with Jeff and Phil who live near to the site. It was nice to catch up and enjoy the countryside, even if my trousers did get a little muddy.
Most importantly I was set up to arrive rested and early on the Maelstrom site.

The Maelstrom site, being one down south, was not one I had any experience of. In its favour was the walking distance to the local convenience store, its general flatness and its the compactness of everyone in the same field. This did mean it was quite easy to do my rounds although some people did point out they preferred the secluded glades that a site like Middlewood has.
Once I was set-up I started drinking with the guys from href="">As If By Magic. I think the eventful evening that followed is probably results from the extended afternoon drinking session that ensued. By the time I crashed to bed I
had: made a killing on a trade, shot my customer in the foot, almost got both myself and a fellow Loomer killed, got away with it by consuming more (IC) drugs, almost had my mortal soul rendered from my body by a necromancer, returned to base, and finally shot our head priest and leader in the face (by mistake). What an entertaining evening :-)

A slightly slow start to the day due to the excesses of the previous days drinking. I stayed off the beer (mostly) as we started to put ourselves about as a group. The Weaver faith is quite fun to play as you can go around rubbishing a lot of the more staid religious types and 20th century leanings with a more "creative" approach. We ended up attending the masked ball which was entertaining as well as attempting to goad people into repressing our religious freedoms. Not quite as wild ride as I had had the night before but entertaining nevertheless.

Trying to kill as many birds with one stone Sunday mainly consisted of a quick run around the site talking to my customers before packing up my stuff and leaving just after time out to see my parents. I've not seen them in person much this year so it was good to see them in the flesh (and not just steel their shower and get fed) before driving back up to Manchester. I collapsed in bed quite tired around 1 o'clock after a pretty fulfilling weekend.

So whats up next weekend?