I vant to suck your blood

Posted on Thu 26 August 2004 by alex in general

Well I've taken the plunge and ordered the tickets for Whitby this October. Now all I need to do is arrange a suitable weekend of shopping with some of the local Goth stylists so I don't look totally out of place. Who's up for shopping?

Of course nothing can happen this weekend on account of the punishing bank holiday schedule I seem to of arranged for my self. I'll be at Ara on Friday for some Goth action. I'll then be getting up at
denial am the next day to get a lift from Radcliffe to the Leeds Festival for Arwels stag. Hopefully I'll get a chance to see Goldie Lookin' Chain who I missed at Glastonbury due to general laziness. On Sunday night I then travel to the local href="http://www.sankeyssoap.com/">Sankeys for some old school house music. Assuming I'm able to safely drive the next day I'll be heading up to Leeds again for href="http://www.sarahorange.co.uk/sarahorange/default.asp">Ms
Orange's post Infest BBQ. Its a hell of an assumption....

In other geek related news I think perl is rubbing off on me, I'm starting to use automatic variables:

perl -ne 'm#libraries: =(.*)#; split /:/,$1; foreach(@_) { print "$_" if (m#lib/$#); } '