Blending of Idioms

Posted on Tue 31 May 2005 by alex in general

Yesterdays BBQ rounded off a very pleasant weekend indeed. I managed to successfully mix both work colleges and the usual suspect without any incident*. Much meat was consumed, daiquiris quaffed, and conversation was had. Feedback has been so positive that all I need now is to come up with other excuses to have repeat the event.

I do feel a little guilty that news of the event was only spread by viral marketing after I mentioned it briefly on my blog. I must try and avoid falling into the habit of using the 'net as my sole means of communication about events. There was a half-written text message on my phone, but I got distracted. Apologies** to anyone he didn't find out in enough time and wanted to come.

* say compared with my thirtieth birthday
** irony, I guess.