Carb Coma

Posted on Tue 18 April 2006 by alex in general

It may amuse people to know that this is being typed up on Microsoft Word 2003 (NHS Edition). I lack the will power to trudge across to the lab with my Dad?s Linux machine and EMACS (or find a decent AJAX implementation).

Today we went for a 6 mile walk around Linton. I like walking and we were lucky with the weather this morning which although slightly windy was pretty sunny for the whole trip. We ended up at the Dog and Duck and after a nice stodgy pie and a few pints of ale ended back slumped at home joining my parents in a mid-afternoon nap. Tomorrow I subject myself to a game of squash with my Dad. I assume it will be the only physical activity of the day!

I?m thinking of heading up to Whitby on the Thursday so I can avoid the Friday traffic chaos but I?m not sure who will be up by then. Anyone?