Oh So Hot

Posted on Mon 03 July 2006 by alex in general

It's been a nice 3 day weekend of weddings and copious BBQ's and beer.

It was Chris and Paula's Wedding on Friday. The usual superlatives about the blushing bride can be taken for granted. I was impressed with the speed of the vows which they achieved by memorising them so the register didn't need to prompt. I was consigned to the naughty table with Lee and Chris S who had flown over from the states for the do. Our heckling was moderate although there was plenty of scarls.

I didn't do much dancing as outdoors was quite pleasant and it was quite warm on the dance floor. However the ancient gods of air guitar where sated. There was even a jacuzzi involved at one point in the evening.

Saturday was a relaxed affair as Aidan and Gillian visited and we spent the afternoon in the garden. Dave followed on later and was eventually joined by Mark and Helen and Lee. As enjoying the weather was high on the agenda I set-up a temporary outdoor TV for the match.

On the subject of the match my main assessment of it is we should play with 10 players more often. If only they could play like that more often. Still it was inevitable we would crash out to penalties - it seems to be our idiom.

The garden didn't really get cold in the evening so we enjoyed a Mediterranean style wine drinking session. It was a very pleasant evening involving little direct effort :-)

Today I visited Jo with Lee to christen her garden with its inaugural (permanent) BBQ. Being chauffeured around by Lee meant the only real achievement of today was cleaning my garden and putting on some washing. I don't feel too guilty as in this heat there is not much point trying to be too active. I did get a chance to watch Jarhead which was quite a cool film.

I don't know what time I'll get to sleep tonight. I'm a typical English man who complains when its too cold and then complain when it warms up. I wish we could have nice bright fresh springs all year round.