Music and Mayhem

Posted on Sat 16 September 2006 by alex in general

Last night was the opening night* of the The Subculture. Lee organised the minibus so a bunch of people from Manchester could go and sample it's delights. The venue never reached capacity but kept a pretty good atmosphere none the less. Apparently we drank more beer than the previous night despite their higher numbers. Despite T's insistence that real ale doesn't sell in night clubs the bar got through all its Abbot Ale and Hobgoblin bottles. I'm pretty confident once the cask ale is installed (pending the cask handling course for the manager) it will sell well. There was a touch of drama on the way back as we gained too many people for the minibus back but otherwise all seemed to go well. I gave quick instructions to Sal on how to set the breadmaker (although neglected to mention the difference between strong flour and normal flour or where the yeast was) and then crashed into bed.

This morning has been spent mainly ripping CD's and re-tagging a lot of the old stuff. I can't recommend EasyTAG enough for this. I've left it to to play music to me today. It seems to understand what I need ;-)