The quiet period is over

Posted on Mon 19 November 2007 by alex in general

Regular readers will have noticed the blog has had an unusually taciturn nature over the last few weeks. This has been because life and career changes are in progress and I wasn't quite ready to go fully public until the paperwork was out of the way.

The headline is that I'm moving down to Cambridge to work for MIPS as a Linux kernel hacker. I start at the end of January after a hectic Christmas of house hunting and a Skiing holiday. It's a fantastic opportunity for a full time open source coding job and I'm quite looking forward to it.

The main reason for the move however is that it's going to be a lot easier for Fliss and I to maintain both our careers while seeing each other every day. I have indeed got it bad (in a good way) :-). It's going to be a wrench moving away from Manchester which has been my home for the last 16 years but I'm hoping not to be too much of a stranger.

The next few months are going to be quite hectic. Anyone want to buy a house?