Notes on House Hunting

Posted on Fri 04 January 2008 by alex in general

I've spent most of today house hunting. After seven years of comfortable living in my frankly over-sized house I'm finding it tricky to walk into a 2/3 bed house and visualise the two of us living in it. The cheapest one I saw today was 695 pcm but there were several things I wasn't happy with (ground floor security, potential damp). I did see a nice 2nd floor two bedroom flat in the city centre which was quite modern and spacious but it came with a rather hefty price tag of 895 pcm (before bills). It did seem slightly incongruous that it had 2 whole bathrooms in it although I admit the idea of an en-suite seems slightly luxurious :-)

While I am getting a bit of a salary lift for the move down south crunching the numbers does induce a slight flutter. It's potentially going to take a while to sell my house and paying rent just seems like wasted money. Unfortunately it's just not feasible to be in a sell/buy chain when moving to a new area.

When I saw my current house it was obvious to me I could live in it. So far none of the houses today have jumped out and made a great impression on me. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I'd like to get this bit out of the way and sorted as soon as possible so I can get back to Fliss in Manchester and start preparing for my holiday. However I don't want to make the wrong choice for where we live for the next 6-12 months. I really hope finding the house we shall finally buy will be a less depressing affair.