Minor Hiccups

Posted on Wed 04 March 2009 by alex in general

Packing almost complete. Fliss is despairing of my preparation being more focused around chargers and cables. I think she finds my need to be able to plug everything together a sign of technology dependence. It might be true but I like to believe tech make life easier. She did put here foot down when I wondered what the plugs in Thailand where like. After all my battery is good but it might be needing a few joules of energy during our stopover!

Speaking of feet Fliss managed to break her little toe today stubbing it on a suitcase of all things. This involved a brief visit to A&E for x-rays to confirm the break. Prognosis is that it should be nicely healed about a week after we get back. This is going to make transiting the London underground an interesting experience tomorrow and Friday morning. I'm thinking a taxi might be a very good idea.