Bank Holiday Sunshine!

Posted on Tue 26 May 2009 by alex in general

The lead up to the Bank Holiday was pretty good and improved up to the weekend and pretty much held out until this morning's overcast and grey skies. As far as bank holiday's go it was pretty atypical :-)

We had the first of the two summer Cambridge beer festivals last week. Fliss and I joined some of our local friends for a sup or two on Wednesday evening before the ale ran out. We were joined by Mark and Asun on Friday and Saturday by which time the queues for the festival has become very excessive. CAMRA membership certainly has it's uses and I think it will be well worth keeping my membership up while I'm living in Cambridge. As the beer was rapidly running out on Saturday I took the two of them for a quick tour of some of Cambridge's other drinking spots. These included The Pickerel Inn, St Ragegund (home of the Milton beers we can't drink in Milton!), and The Cambridge Blue. Mark certainly seemed impressed by the range of beers on offer and the city's real ale credentials.

Sunday was spent mainly lazing in the beautiful sunshine in the garden while testing out the new BBQ. Monday wasn't quite as warm but still gave plenty of opportunity to potter about in the garden and fight the never ending battle against weeds. After a weekend like that I didn't mind the rain this morning giving the garden some much needed water.