dired-rsync 0.4 released
Posted on Fri 01 June 2018 by alex in geek
I started hacking on this a while back but I've finally done the house-keeping tasks required to make it a proper grown up package.
dired-rsync is a simple command which you can use to trigger an rsync copy from within dired. This is especially useful when you want to copy across large files from a remote server without locking up Emacs/Tramp. The rsync just runs as an inferior process in the background.
Today was mainly a process of cleaning up the CI and fixing any issues with it. I'd still like to add some proper tests but the whole thing is interactive and that seems to be tricky for Emacs to test. Anyway I've now tagged 0.4 so it will be available from MELPA Stable once it rebuilds. You can of course grab the building edge from MELPA any time ;-)