dired-rsync 0.5 release

Posted on Sun 10 November 2019 by alex in geek

If you've been running from MELPA you will have had all these features already but it was certainly overdue a stable tagging. The commit history shows a lot of faffing around getting the CI working again. However there are a bunch of customisation tweaks exposed as well as support for remote-to-remote rsync support (with a very ugly port-forward hack). From the NEWS file:

  • Big CI clean-ups (dropped emake, added Cask)
  • smarter modeline status (show R:n% when one job running)
  • make dired-rsync process dest with expand-file-name
  • we now support remote to remote with an ugly port forward hack
  • prompt the user for a passphrase if we detect stall in process
  • add some basic ert tests
  • new customisation option dired-rsync-source-files
  • new customisation hook dired-rsync-failed-hook

Happy file syncing ;-)