Write to your MP time
Posted on Tue 25 August 2009 by alex in general
I've not sent many letters to my current MP since I moved down south. So today I was moved to send the following:
Dear James Paice, I'm writing to you today to let you know about my views on the Governments proposed Internet disconnection policy [1] on accusation of illegal file sharing. While I agree that digital piracy is a problem there are a number of issues with the current proposals. * Identifying an IP address is not the same as identifying a person All the current methods for tracking down digital pirates come down to someone, somewhere logging an IP address. This is the address people are assigned when they access the Internet. However it generally doesn't identify a person, at best it identifies the broadband router in someones house attached to the phone line or cable. If multiple people share the connection there is no way to identify which one is which. With wireless routers the offending person may be using the network without the knowledge of the person who's router it is. * No oversight of the data collection There is typically no oversight of the 3rd party companies who monitor the Internet for theft. As only an accusation is made the evidence is never tested in a court of law. Without the oversight of a legal process there is no chance of justice for the falsely accused. * Wrong tool for the job In the end even a draconian policy like this will not eliminate file-sharing. The original "Gnutella"[2] network was a technical work around to the fall of Napster [3], one of the first file sharing technologies to get the attention of the media companies. I fully expect a growth in anonymous networks and routine encryption of data traffic as a response to legal and quasi-legal attempts to stop file sharing. It is in essence a battle that will never be won as technical measure continually evolve to work around legal threats. In the meantime innocent people will be caught in the cross-fire and lose what the Digital Britain report compared to a Human Right. The correct tools are education and competition. Children need to be educated about the rights and wrongs of illegal file-sharing (while remembering some things like Creative Commons [4] and Open Source software [5] positively encourage it). At the same time the media companies must provide competition to the pirate materials by offering products people want. There is no point providing DRM [6] crippled products at excessive prices and complaining the users prefer the better quality pirated products. * Internet Access is a Human right As more and more of our access to information, government and society becomes dependant on a decent Internet connection people without it will suffer. If these people have lost access because of an unfounded accusation by a rights holder then justice will not have been served. By all means provide the rights holders with the ability to take people to court and seek redress if their rights have been infringed. However such a system has to be a balanced and fair. This is not what the current government proposals offer. I hope as we approach an election next year you can assure me that your party would not follow the path being suggested by the current government? I was unable to find your voting track record with respect to these matters. I hope this letter leaves you better informed for future votes in the house. I would be pleased to provide further clarifications if anything is unclear. I can also point you towards the Open Rights Group [7] who are a lobbying organisation I broadly support. Yours sincerely, Alex Bennee [1] http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8219652.stm [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnutella [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napster [4] http://creativecommons.org/ [5] http://www.opensource.org/ [6] Digital Restrictions Management, digital locks that for example prevent you using iTunes music with any player other than an iPod. [7] http://www.openrightsgroup.org