Project Veg Patch
Posted on Mon 17 October 2011 by alex in general
I noticed I haven't posted anything this month about what's going on in my life. Well as you can imagine the impending arrival of our first child has kind of glossed over everything else. I have not yet achieved a state of panic but it's very firmly in the radar now. Although I've been taking it easy on the drinking (so as to help Fliss avoid the temptation) I'm now going fully dry as I'm on potential hospital driving duties.
It was nice to catch up with a bunch of people at Adam and Lou's wedding last weekend. It more or less qualified as our last venture away from home for the foreseeable future. This weekend I spent a good deal of the time laying the excess turf from Project: Veg Patch over what used to pass for our front lawn. This of course means the main landscaping of the new "Vegetable" patch at the back of our property is now complete:
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I have to admit most of the work at the back was contracted out including a my brother and his partner who did most of the work levelling, laying and building what will hopefully be a productive growing area. Still we are both very pleased with the outcome and hopefully the grass will take and we can concentrate on planting what will provide us with fresh food for the future family!