Everyone likes stats

Posted on Mon 26 March 2012 by alex in general

So what has my blogging frequency been like, well I'm glad you asked:

[archive_chart name="Posting frequency over the last 12 months" width="600" height="300" count="12"]

It seems the trend is pretty clear and it's not exactly surprising as my hands have been more than full with other concerns. Despite coming to a phase where the odd hour or two in the evenings is possible blogging is still fairly low down the priority list. This parenting lark does seem to occupy a fair amount of time. So far it's an exercise in trying to balance a number of competing demands. While being responsive to Ursula's minute by minute desires keeps her generally happy we are beginning to see the benefit of following some sort of routine. It seems the oft repeated parental sayings are founded in a degree of experience ;-)

Of course just as we started to establish a successful routine we disrupted it all with a trip up to Manchester. Thanks to some friends parents we were able to set up a base of operations in Bolton. We then proceeded to do the local tour and introduce Ursula to our northern friends. She was very well received on her debut although we suspect the schedule may have taken it's toll. By Sunday she was starting to get a little fractious so it was good to end up at P&C's for a very relaxed evening. We took it easy on the journey down on Monday and have been getting back into the swing of the normal routine.

It was really nice to catch up with everyone we saw while we were visiting. Next time we come up North we will probably try a slightly less hectic schedule with hopefully a less frazzled family. Thankfully next week is all based at home which is a much more familiar environment for all of us!