The wheels of Justice turn slowly indeed

Posted on Fri 20 August 2010 in general • Tagged with court, crime, justice, punishment

I spent this morning at Cambridge Crown Court to see the sentencing of the guy that burgled us last month. This was a novelty for me as this is the first time I've been burgled and the perpetrator was caught. I did see him briefly when his name was called …

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While you were out...

Posted on Mon 12 July 2010 in general • Tagged with crime, house, security

On Sunday we headed down to the Shelford Feast to catch up with my parents and generally enjoy beer in the sunshine. However while we were out thieving scumbags attempted to break into our house. Apparently there is a bit of a spate of break-ins around fete times as it …

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It's not a crime if the Police don't get involved

Posted on Wed 22 July 2009 in general • Tagged with crime, police

We went to our (hopefully) last mortgage meeting yesterday to finalise the application so we can buy a house. The meeting went fairly well although because of my "special" employment status the application now has to go off to the banks underwriting department to ensure they don't lend out irresponsibly …

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