Here comes the Sun

Posted on Mon 15 March 2010 by alex in general

The weather this weekend was a lot nicer, not only sunny but also well on the right side of the thermometer. Fliss and I spent Sunday in front of the Grand Prix going through the wedding spreadsheet and started mailing out the wedding invites. However it's already become apparent that we've not been nearly inventive enough with the hidden code. The next one will almost certainly involve a cipher of some sort - although possibly not as advanced as the ones in the xkcd book.

While the Facebook group is a handy solution for those on Facebook we are actually managing the responses via our own website. For those (very few) interested people the hacked up version of the Events Manager plugin can be found on my github pages.

We are up in Manchester next weekend and the following weekend we climb Snowden. It certainly feels like I'm awakening from hibernation. Today was the first day I got into work without having to massage the live back into frozen fingers.