Passing by faster

Posted on Sun 17 October 2010 by alex in geek, general

The last two weeks have certainly seemed to flash past. Last weekend saw a flying visit up to Manchester for K & V's wedding. I have left it to others to document and supply photographic evidence.

In the meantime we've both been getting into the swing of the work schedule. Luckily I managed to get ahead on my TODO list having done the ground work before I left to get married. There is still an impossibly long list of things that need doing, but it's more about whats required for the current approaching deadline. As a result I accepted an invite from the company to represent them at some engineering awards in London. Although advertised as 14 courses it was more a 5 course gala meal with 14 individual types of food. It was very nice with the good selection of Champagne and free flowing wine. I felt kind of guilty as out of the 7 of us there I was the only engineer, the others in my team all being to busy too go.

This weekend is being treated with a little more measured respect. I went to a mini-beer festival in town on Friday while Fliss attended the local LRP clubs interactive. I joined her on site the next day to monster her first linear adventure. Given her only experience of LARP so far has been fest systems it was interesting to watch her reaction to the adventure format. She was playing with a group of new recruits to the club and the way they came off the dungeon all so enthused made me very nostalgic for those first adventures all those years ago. The next day aches are also very familiar.