Fliss' 32 Inch TV

Posted on Mon 08 August 2011 in geek • Tagged with internet, iplayer, tv

The weekend was both incredibly efficient and lazy in equal measures. We headed into town bright and early at 9:00 in a bid to miss the rather nasty traffic Cambridge inflicts on it's driving population. I would have cycled were it not I was picking up our new Smart …

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Memories of 1989

Posted on Fri 28 January 2011 in general • Tagged with internet, middle-east, politics, world

I remember the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989. It seemed rather surreal as dictatorship after dictatorship fell in relatively quick succession. Some passed with little bloodshed, some went through more violent phases but in the end it changed the face of Eastern Europe. It was certainly exciting for …

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Posted on Tue 07 December 2010 in geek • Tagged with infowar, internet, wikileaks

Unless you have been living under a rock the last week you cannot have missed the latest wikileaks data dump. This iteration of leaks had lead to what could possibly be described as the Internets first Infowar. Aside from the predictable Denial of Service attacks there has also been political …

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