A weekend of fresh air and beer

Posted on Mon 14 June 2010 in general • Tagged with bumps, cycling, races, rowing, rutland, sunshine

Today's weather has returned to a sort of grey overcast but not overly cold averaging day which seems very out of place for June. Luckily the weather over the weekend was much better.

We had Jeff and Phil + family visiting for the weekend. Luckily the summer event calender threw up …

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All downhill after the first climb

Posted on Sun 21 March 2010 in general • Tagged with 6nations, bike, cycling, manchester, rugby

Today I'm quite achey after Saturday morning's excursion to the top of Alderley Edge . Although the ride to the base of the climb was fairly easy the actual mile of steep ascent defeated me as well as the chain on Fliss' bike. By the time we got up to the …

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The power of the wheel

Posted on Fri 18 September 2009 in general • Tagged with bike, cycling

I suffered bike death last night on the way home. Thankfully the mechanical failure (which I heard) occurred about 1/2 a mile away from the house so I didn't have too far to push the bike. I'm not sure what failed but the rear wheel had a slightly eccentric …

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A few inches more

Posted on Mon 07 September 2009 in general • Tagged with bike, cycling

I adjusted the seat on my bike by a couple of inches over the weekend. I now have to come off my seat when I stop (or lean fetchingly against a support) but it certainly makes delivering power to the peddles easier. This as it turns out was useful for …

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Topping up the tan

Posted on Mon 15 June 2009 in general • Tagged with cycling, sunshine

My arms are starting to approach some sort of healthy* shade of brown as I've spent the last three days out in the sunshine and fresh air.

Friday I took advantage of my current employment flexibility to join my parents for a walk in Hertfordshire. My parents had been planning …

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