Data Tsunami

Posted on Fri 19 November 2010 in general • Tagged with data, government, politics, transparency

The government has done another public spending data dump today. It's one of the policies that I was really in favour of before the election and it's good to see the coalition holding to it's word with this release. The raw data is available from the Cabinet Office and should …

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A few paragraphs

Posted on Mon 26 July 2010 in general • Tagged with android, gatiss, google, holmes, lrp, moffat, pot-pori, transparency, tv, war, wikileaks

There are a number of potential topics for blog posts swirling in my brain which I'm not going to have time to write. I shall therefor attempt to address each on in paragraph form (Twitter style is a little too brief for me).

We were at Maelstrom this weekend. We …

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Openness and Transparency

Posted on Thu 03 June 2010 in geek • Tagged with government, it, opendata, transparency

One of the things that I found encouraging about the Tory manifesto was they seemed to get the concept of government transparency and open data. While news about top civil service pay is what hit the headlines yesterday the new directive to civil servants is much wider. While the last …

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